Logan Martin
Logan Martin
| Age 31
WHERE: Brisbane, Queensland, Austrailia
SPONSORS: Hyper BMX, SNAFU BMX, Rockstar Energy, Jetpilot
SPONSORS: Hyper BMX, SNAFU BMX, Rockstar Energy, Jetpilot

Australia’s Logan Martin grew up riding with four-time XG gold medalist Kyle Baldock. Logan rides with serious focus and drive and excels on any kind of transition. He rides skateparks. He won some of the biggest contests in BMX and earned the overall FISE World title in 2015 after winning the Malaysia stop, finishing 2nd in China and 3rd in France. He has been strong on the contest scene and his trick list is almost impossible to keep track of. Overall winner, 2015 FISE series: 1st, Malaysia; 2nd, China; 3rd, France. 2016 BMX Park XGames Silver Metalist.